DC insiders don't want him. Tom Boswell doesn't want him. Cries of "carpetbagger!" resound around the District at the mention of his name. But the only question that really matters in this whole Nats ownership fiasco is: Does Bud Selig want him?
The answer: Selig has already picked his man
In the next few weeks, Selig will announce that he has chosen one of three groups, led by Jeff Smulyan, Frederic Malek/Jeffrey Zients, or Theodore Lerner, as the new owner of the Washington Nationals. Depending on who you believe, the latest and greatest round of delays in the sale of the team are the result of White Sox owner and MLB's primary negotiator Jerry Reinsdorf's World Series-induced vacation and the grandstanding of the DC City Council over the stadium deal.
But this is ownership thing is already a done deal.
Ladies and gentlemen of the District of Columbia, meet your new owner of the Washington Nationals...
(Photo by Sarah L. Voisin of The Washington Post)