It's been a while. Back by popular demand, The Nationals Enquirer answers the latest installment of the mailbag. The correct answers are available on Nationals dot com; now we'll give it a shot.
Do you believe that general manager Jim Bowden has destroyed team chemistry by giving up outfielders Terrmel Sledge and Brad Wilkinson for left fielder Alfonso Soriano? Do you think the former Nationals outfielders will become All-Stars during the next two to three years? -- D.P., Washington, D.C.
No and no.
Why did the Nationals send Wiki Gonzalez to the Minors? Is Washington comfortable with Mathew LeCroy as the backup catcher?
-- D. T., Walton Hills, Ohio
Ha ha, yeah, I guess so. Fick should be back soon, too.
Since both Christian Guzman and Royce Clayton are injured, who will step up in short? Will the Nats call up Ian Desmond or place Brendan Harris in that role?
-- M. S., Richmond, Va.
Is Jamey Carroll available?
Why don't the Nationals call up Kenny Kelly to be leadoff hitter?
-- Gabriel, Quebec, Canada
I'm still hoping for Brandon Watson's return.
Any chance we'll see Tyrell Godwin at some point this season?
-- D.A., San Jose, Calif.
Is there any pitching help in New Orleans? That's obviously the team's biggest need. -- T.D, Gettysburg, Pa.
At the rate we're going, every pitcher in the farm system will get at least one start with the big club before the end of the year.
How much patience do you think the Nationals will have with reliever Joey Eischen? It seems to me that he never showed he was ready for the season.
-- J.T., Silver Spring, Md.
I've never been much of a stats guy, but I believe the numbers tell a completely different story:
6G, 5IP, 18.00 ERA, 9H, 10R, 7BB.
Eischen hasn't been that bad.
(all questions taken from The Washington Nationals Official Website)