"Uh...Jim...can I have a word with you for a second?"
"Yeah, sure, Davey, come on in. What's on your mind?"
"It's just that...I don't know..."
"What? What's bothering you?"
"Come on!? Girardi? Pinella? Dusty Baker? Buck Effing Schowalter? Come on, man, can't I get my name in the paper too? Everybody knows Girardi's going to the Cubs! And Pinella...puhhlease! Could there be a worse fit for this team? Who's next, Tommy Lasorda?"
"Listen Davey, it's like I told you, it's all a part of an elaborate ruse. We're floating all these names out there to create a diversion. It's like smoke and mirrors, man..."
"Well...couldn't you maybe just float my name out there too, maybe just whisper it to Bill Ladson or Barry Sferlukas or whatever his name is...just so I can, you know, get my name in the paper too?"
"Davey, Davey! It's like I told you when I hired you as my Super Special Consultant to the GM back in June: hang in there...when the smoke clears, you're my man. We've just got to let a little time pass so it's not so obvious to everybody that we would have gotten rid of Frank sooner, we just couldn't afford the PR hit. Just ask Stan!"
"Yup. You're our guy, Davey. Just be patient. Smoke and mirrors..."