Fenty believes Omaha may be the answer to Stadium parking nightmare
According to sources with no knowledge of the situation, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty has brokered a deal with Omaha, Nebraska Mayor Mike Fahey and Chamber of Commerce President David Brown to solve the problem of 8,000+ missing parking spaces in Southeast. Fahey and Brown were in Washington yesterday to tour the new Nationals ballpark site. In an exclusive interview, Fenty may or may not have told the Enquirer: "Problem solved: Omaha. This was a top priority of the administration. It's looking like there's no chance in hell the Navy Yard Metro station will be finished on time, so we need to steer as many people away from public transportation as possible. Having no parking around the stadium was a critical issue to begin with. So we worked out a 5 year deal with the great city of Omaha, Nebraska. People driving to game should simply head north on 270, take a left on I-70, and head West. Look for the signs. We'll provide free shuttle buses back from Omaha." Stan Kasten unavailable for comment.
(Photo by Philip Gould/Corbis -- corn: tasseled corn. [Photograph]. Retrieved September 27, 2007, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http:// www. britannica.com/eb/art-75686)