(Photo of Nationals Enquirer staff, by Nationals Enquirer staff. Nationals Enquirer staff enjoying the view from the Red Porch.)
Brown Bagging it in NatsTown!
Nationals Enquirer staff took in last night's Nationals-Marlins game at Nationals Park, the first ever Nationals Enquirer Brown Bag Night. Admittedly, we didn't have high hopes going in, especially considering the Nats' 0-9 record against the Marlins this season prior to the miracle 8th inning comeback win. And we were disappointed to arrive at the park by 6:40, but too late to pick up a free "You know You're a Nats fan if..." T-Shirt.
But all in all, although we were denied entry into the Lexus President's Club: nobody got arrested, the Nationals won, and a good time had by all.
A few photos of the festivities follow. Note that Stan Kasten asked us not to post the pictures of him in a brown bag drinking beer with us up in Sec. 419.
(Above: Photos by Nationals Enquirer staff. Nationals Enquirer staff dancing in section 107. For some reason, they wouldn't put us up on the Dance Cam on the Jumbotron.)
(Above: Photo by Nationals Enquirer staff. Way up top in section 419, hanging out with Stan Kasten. Drinking a beer with a brown paper bag on your head is not as easy as you might think.)
(Above: Photo by Nationals Enquirer staff. Up in section 419, Nationals Enquirer staff, surrounded by Nationals Enquirer readers.)
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The fact that your staff used a Whole Foods Bag just plays into the stereotype of DC residents as a bunch of nutty crunchy elitists with no real understanding or appreciation of baseball. A better choice would be an old Food Lion or Price Shopper bag (if they actually have paper bags at either one anymore).
Posted by: Sec 314 | August 05, 2009 at 12:40 PM
@Sec 314. Ah, I forgot to mention our sponsors! It was Nationals Enquirer Brown Bag Night, *Sponsored by Whole Foods*. Hey, they paid big bucks for us to use their bags!
Posted by: The Nationals Enquirer | August 05, 2009 at 01:04 PM
You know that if you don't don the bag again tonight it will be your fault if/when the Nats lose.
Posted by: NTPNate | August 05, 2009 at 04:37 PM
You know, when you tweeted you were in sec 107, I tried to get a picture! But when I checked the photo later, I couldn't spot any brown bagged heads :(
Posted by: misschatter | August 05, 2009 at 06:08 PM
@Nate: we can't make the game tonight, but staff members have been told to wear their bags while watching at home. Hopefully that does the trick.
Posted by: The Nationals Enquirer | August 05, 2009 at 06:45 PM
@misschatter: probably just bad timing...it got damn hot under those bags; kept taking 'em off. Also, much easier to drink our fruity microbrews and stuff our faces with food sans bag.
Posted by: The Nationals Enquirer | August 05, 2009 at 06:48 PM
in n out shirt? looks like you're double agent for california teams...
Posted by: jeff | March 03, 2014 at 01:09 PM