(Bryce Harper makes his AFL debut tonight. Screengrab via MLB.com.)
So Bryce Harper is making his Arizona Fall League debut tonight, which is a pretty big deal for a kid who just turned 18 a few days ago.
"I was thinking about the Arizona Fall League the whole time. I was thinking what it would be like to go out there and play. Just to be up with the top guys."
(Bryce Harper, via Washington Post, 10/20/2010)
And when Harper jogs out to right field in Scottsdale for the first time tonight, his cleats will include a tribute to Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins? According to this story from MLB.com, yes:
If Harper looks like he is having fun, it's because he is. He's living his dream -- the baseball dream. Harper's cleats read "J-Roll," a tribute to Philadelphia shortstop Jimmy Rollins. It's not hard to imagine that one day Harper will have his own name on his shoes, but for now, he's content wearing shoes that fit.
(via MLB.com, 10/20/2010)
*sigh* kids these days. Okay, we can get over Bryce Harper's rooting interests in professional sports; at least now he's saying the Nationals will be the Yankees of the NL East in years to come. And we can even live with the fact that Bryce Harper is apparently best buds with Shane Victorino. But "J-Roll" cleats? Ugh.
Here's hoping Bryce Harper's "J-Roll" cleats go the way of Bryce Harper's warpaint before he shows up to Spring Training in 2011. And here's hoping the Phillies go down 3-1 against the Giants tonight.
Oh, and good luck tonight, kid.
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Best...blog....ever!!!! you nailed it. he's a d-bag who can't seem to remember what team he's about to play for.
Posted by: Kathy | October 20, 2010 at 02:44 PM
What Nats name is he suppose to write on his cleats? Nyjer???
This is a non-story, he is a kid, he still has heroes, who cares if they are not Nats, he grew up on the West Coast for 18 years and the Nats have been around 5 years.
Posted by: Harper_ROY_2012 | October 20, 2010 at 03:36 PM
Just like the Nationals this blog is for losers.
Posted by: forwhoforwhat | October 20, 2010 at 07:48 PM
@Kathy: A d-bag? That's a little harsh, don't you think?
@Harper_ROY_2012 (or should that be: "Bryce_Harper's_Mom"?) How about not having anyones name written on his cleats?
I'll admit that you're right in saying this is a non-story, and he is a kid if you'll admit that Bryce Harper having "J-Roll" on his cleats is a little odd and sort of funny.
@forwhoforwhat: Agree.
Posted by: The Nationals Enquirer | October 20, 2010 at 09:19 PM