Guess you can now safely scratch "Leapfrog over a teammate during pregame warmups" off Bryce Harper's Hagerstown Suns to-do list. Indeed, the above video shows Harper leap-frogging a teammate before a Sun's game against the Delmarva Shorebirds this past weekend.
Now, if only Harper could scratch "eliminate baserunning hijinks" and "hit the cut-off man consistently" off the list, maybe he would've leapfrogged (get it!?) to the P-Nats by now? Or is there something else going on here? Here's's Jayson Stark on Harper last Friday:
On one hand, Bryce Harper is 18 and would still be a senior in high school if he'd lived a normal life. On the other hand, scouts who cover the South Atlantic League have been raising eyebrows for weeks about his sense of entitlement. Tales of Harper showing up late for team stretching, and occasionally exiting those stretching drills before they were over, have been circulating in the scout community. And as talented as Harper may be, and as fun as he may be to watch on the field, he has often offended outsiders with his what-am-I-doing-in-THIS-league body language. That has to stop.
(Jayson Stark, via, 6/10/2011)
Wonder what the scouts are saying about Harper's leapfrog skills?
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