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September 30, 2011


For the love of God, please keep Terry CANCER Francona away from the Nats, he lets players do whatever they want and play whenever they want, the only reason he rose to prominence was that he let Michael Jordan take playing time away from legit prospects in the minors. I wish only bad things for this guy he is a piece of SH*T human being!

Well, he WAS an Expo.

You talk to him on the phone to say you did it. I don't see any chance Rizzo takes him.

Remember when Riggleman whined about being on a 1 year deal and acted if he was the only one in that situation and I remember someone put a list together of Manager's on 1 year deals with Options.

Turns out Francona was in the same situation. The Red Sox now will be the big buyer in Free Agency also. Even though they have Adrian Gonzalez at 1st, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Saux go after Pujols in a "statement" move to their fans and place him at 3rd base where he started his career or some other arrangement at 1st.

The Red Sox really need pitchers so that will affect the Nats as everyone is competing for the same players essentially.

Gee, @Harper_ROY_2012, how do you really feel about Francona?

Of course, no way this is happening. Of course Davey is coming back for another year: favor for bailing Rizzo out after the Riggleman disaster.

In answer to your question, NO! But, how about Riggleman to the Red Sox? He may like those Boston watering holes "where everybody knows your name." Cheers to Riggs and the Red Sox!

I am behind Davey all the way. Francona only benefited from a good ball club. Davey has a history of winning on multiple clubs and not just one. Not to mention the Red Soxs falling apart speaks wonders to how he failed to keep the team together. We should at least call him to SAY we did but go with Davey 100%.

Francona is a total douche-bag! The sox won in '04 & '07 in spite of Tito. No discipline, no structure, no conditioning, no small-ball. The future is bleak for whomever decides to pick up this piece of shit. I've had personal dealings with Tito - he's a scoundrel.

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