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October 08, 2011


Jayson Werth is highly intelligent so he saw the writing on the wall! (LOL)

Werth is an expert historian on Teddy Roosevelt. How many people can pull Bull Moose out of their brain in an interview?

New nickname for the Phillies is Bull Sh*t


This will get me through the whole winter :D

Notice in the picture the guys head is down before the last batter steps in to the batters box.

Yes, that would be Ryan Howard getting ready to bat. The same player who the Phillies are saying has a ruptured Achillies Tendon and will be out for at least 6 months.

Will RHoward be back for the 1st series with the Nats on May 4th? That's 6 months and 25 days from today.

Let the excuses begin!

Poor poor philly....Their so called invasion of nats park (resulted in a series loss) was a sign of things to come. They are a mess now and I love it.....Where the guaranteed world series ring philly? Lol

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