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January 24, 2012


Half-smoke, Chad, half-smoke.

Great interview, I'm glad he's going to be around and I'm all for him throwing out the first pitch when he's around.

I wonder how he'd do in the booth. Of course, he wants to be around his family, so that makes it tough. Maybe he can do the studio show...

I took a look at Baseball Reference, and saw that they list his career eanings at $11.5M. I was glad to see that, since with just a little common sense, he can spend as much time as he wants with his family without worrying about a career. Keeping in baseball through coaching will let him maintain his sanity (retired for 50 years? Ack!), and it doesn't matter what they pay him.


Thanks much for this update. Go, Chief! Congrats on the new baby. (And come on, Nats - first pitch!)

The Chief deserves a night! Do it Nats.

I live in south carolina and would drive up to see the chief throw out the first pitch. I hope 2013 he makes a comeback and the Nats invite him to camp!

@ernie, couldn't agree more! The Nats are lucky he doesn't hold any grudges and the reason is Chad has CLASS.

Unless he requires some large "appearance fee" which I doubt, why aren't the Nats on top of this. He is flying from California to DC so he will already be in the area. He even said he wants to attend a game.

Is this another Feffer Fail or someone else? I'm calling the Nats to see if I can talk to someone. Will report back.

NatsEnquirer wrote "Chief throws out the first pitch,flat-brimmed cap give away for the kids? Come on, this is a no-brainer!"

What's a no-brainer to us seems to befuddle those in Nats PR and marketing.

I'll assume Chad shows up even if he has to buy his own ticket. I could see why they wouldn't honor him before as he wasn't retired but to not honor the Nats 1st All Star and all around great guy would be an epic fail. I will also say they need a Frank Robinson day!

Hail to the Chief!

It would be a mind-boggler for me if the Nats drop the ball on honoring a true Nat.

The Nats did a nice tribute for former Expos Gary Carter and Andre Dawson and while I understand Chad Cordero doesn't qualify for the Ring of Honor, he does qualify to be honored by the Nats in a fitting way and more so then a first pitch at 6:55 when people are still filling the ballpark and making their way to their seats. It has to be more than that. He is one of ours. A true Washington National.

The Nats just cannot screw up this opportunity or they will get their PF (potential fail) on this one.

How many opportunities have the Nats had to let Washington DC sports fans know that they get it? It blows my mind that they can't even get a Winter FanFest so why should we think they could do something simple like Chad Cordero cap night or Chad Cordero bobblehead night and bring this man on the field seconds before the Nats take the field to throw out the 1st pitch and get a standing ovation from a near sell-out crowd.

Oh well...


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