Incoming! There's SMH-Rod scaring the crap out of a guy sitting behind home plate with a 97 MPH fastball to the screen last night. 6-0 game, no inning and a third, 2 hits, 2 walks later, an 8-0 game. So much for Davey saving his bullpen.
In his postgame presser, Davey Johnson credits that pitch with helping to get dominant Cliff Lee out of the game:
"Tried to stretch Henry a little bit, save the rest of the guys, but...we're fine. I think (Lee) took himself out of the game. He didn't want to hit Henry. He takes pride in his hitting. I think that ball that went to the backstop, he said 'Skip, you can take me out now."
(Davey Johnson, via, 7/31/2012)