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October 13, 2012


It was Teddy, plain and simple.

It was ironic that just hours before, the Baseball Gods continued to make Duquette pay for one presumptous action defying them in October 2003.

Coose one: Join Red Sox Nation, become Lovable Losers, or treat The Game with the respect it deserves, and let sideshow entertainment stay sideshow entertainment.

BTW - Pitchers and Catchers report in 130 days.

Nats Enquirer, thank you for not being negative. This is our team and they gave us a wonderful year of baseball. Too bad it ended this way, but we'll be back.

AMAZING season is right. I can't believe it either - woke up this mining hoping it was a bad dream. But alas.

Now we've 'been there' so we know how to do it again. What a fun ride this season was.

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