Dang I didn't even know the heat was playing tonight!
— Denard Span (@thisisdspan) May 27, 2013
@iandesmond20 u watching?
— Denard Span (@thisisdspan) May 27, 2013
@iandesmond20 name there starting 5 and I just might believe... Don't worry I'll wait
— Denard Span (@thisisdspan) May 27, 2013
@iandesmond20 I fell u bro.. But u still didn't answer my question lol😳😏
— Denard Span (@thisisdspan) May 27, 2013
@iandesmond20 feel*
— Denard Span (@thisisdspan) May 27, 2013
@thisisdspan ha okafor n wall to be honest but I couldn't tell you any team in the nba starting five.
— Ian Desmond (@IanDesmond20) May 27, 2013
In other Washington Nationals news, Heat fan Denard Span challenged Wizards fan Ian Desmond to name the Wizards starting five on Sunday night. Desmond named two (Okafor, Wall), but it's the thought that counts..
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Posted by: Adam | May 30, 2013 at 01:13 PM