"I don’t have any answers...just kind of...nothing. Get nothing going. It’s putting me in the loony bin."
(Davey Johnson, via MASN/postgame press conference, 7/3/2013)
Brewers 4, Nationals 1: Death, taxes, and no answers from Davey Johnson.
So much for turning points: After the great 23-run outbreak of 2013, Nats score one run total in two games, drop two in a row.
Back to .500.
(Screencap via MASN/MLB.com)
I think its time he have a public melt down and bust up a few things in the dug out.
Posted by: mark | July 04, 2013 at 07:44 AM
Apparently we're tipping our swings.
Posted by: cupcake_killer | July 04, 2013 at 09:41 AM
I think its time for Davey to do some rotating and get behind his players and be a manager like he was last year......the players are still there,,,so lets go Nat's..and show up the Braves....you can do it>>>>>.
Posted by: jak | July 23, 2013 at 08:01 PM