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August 01, 2013


On the Red Sox post game show the other night, on hearing that the Sox were going after Jake Peavy Dennis Eckersley referred to the mistake he felt the Nationals made last year with Strasburg in not going after the pennant then. He said that these chances don't happen every year and despite giving up Iglesias to do so, he was glad to see the Sox going after it NOW. (Not exact quotes, I know.)

I don't blame the Nats for shutting down Strasburg last year. They sent a message to everyone in the game -- #1 they had a plan, and #2 they look out for their guys. Sure they pissed off Strasburg because he's a fiery competitor, but the message was loud and clear -- the Nats value their players' well being above wins and losses. If I'm a free agent, I want to play for a team like that.

Of course, I'm not a free agent unless they need a guy who can down a few burgers and beers with the best of them.

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