So Bryce Harper met with reporters at Spring Training yesterday wearing a t-shirt that read "PED FREE". Photo of the shirt above via @RawlingsSports. The shirt is by 22 Fresh (get yours here).
Apparently Harper wasn't trying to send a message with the t-shirt (no, this wasn't intended as a shot at Matt Williams):
Speaking with reporters, Bryce Harper wore a t-shirt that read, "PED FREE." Said it wasn't meant as any kind of message.
— Adam Kilgore (@AdamKilgoreWP) February 19, 2014
But was the headband meant to send a message?
Among the topics covered by Harper in his meet-and-greet-with reporters yesterday: his knee is fine after off-season surgery, and he's tired of the wall jokes. Hey, even Babe Ruth ran into walls:
"It’s over. Babe Ruth ran into the wall in D.C. in 1920-something and knocked himself out. So I’m in pretty damn good company right there. He had a good career."
(via Nats Insider, 2/20/2014)