Anthony Rendon drilling Nate McLouth in the leg with a laser beam foul ball with the bases loaded in the 8th? It happens sometimes. Somehow, McLouth survived.
Up above, a Vine of MASN's footage of Livan Hernandez throwing BP to Ryan Zimmerman on Wednesday. Ryan Zimmerman's role upon his return is still a little up in the air (third? first? left?), but this much we know: Livan Hernandez coulld throw BP for the rest of his life.
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Benjamin Franklin forgot to mention Andrew McCutchen killing the Nationals.
Pirates 3, Nationals 1: Of course it had to be Andrew McCutchen robbing Anthony Rendon with a sensational sliding catch in the 9th with two on and two out to save the game.
McCutchen in 31 career games vs #Nats: .397/.459/.828. Plus, you know, 2 highlight-reel catches every night.
Good to see Harper back patrolling the outfield at Nationals Park...sort of. At least he wasn't wearing a Cowboys hat?At least he didn't run into any walls?At least he was hustling?
Well, Denard Span went off on Tuesday night: 5-for-5, 2 2B, 2 RBI, etc. (Nats win 9-4). Span, who eluded a Gatorade bath last August, evaded another one from Ian Desmond during his postgame interview on MASN. Video above via Here's Span on Desmond's Gatorade fail:
Good night tonight. Nats win and so do the heat! And I stayed dry tonight. Nice try @IanDesmond20#tooslow
And here's video of Wilson Ramos's flying catch of a fouled-off bunt by Billy Hamilton to record the first out of Monday night's Nats-Reds game. Flying Buffalo!