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October 05, 2015


No Y'all Worry About Y'all? Because the Nats weren't worried about tne Nats

Sorry to hear you are going dark. Enjoyed your stuff

@Mike! Can't believe we forgot that one! FIXED!

I enjoyed your site immensely over the years. It definitely is in sync with my sense of humor. Farewell intrepid blogger. In the spirit of things ... RIP Nats Enquirer Thanks for one hell of a good ride!

Wait. What happened? Don't go!

@DMan: Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for reading over the years.

@NatsNut: It just seems like the time is right. Thanks!

So, unlike the Nats, you're leaving while still in top form. Best wishes for your next season.

I just bookmarked your site yesterday. Now this?

Been following your site for many years. Will be sorry to see it go. Maybe the long, cold winter will bring a change of heart. Thanks for the memories!

Best of luck to you. You had the best Nats site on the net. I will miss your sense of humor.

Say it ain't so!

Helped keep my Nats love/hate relationship in perspective from abroad over the past decade, thanks for everything!

I'm sad to see Nats Enquirer. Good luck on your next adventure.

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